
Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Trial of Miles begins...

Two and a half years since blog entries. Wow, that must be a record. So why the sudden urge to blog again? Call me easily succumbed to peer pressure, but I've just accidentally discovered blogs from my fellow marathon clinic running buddies blogs here, here, and here. Some of the food blog entries I don't really get (I actually get it, plus the pretty pictures... but honestly, I eat anything). However some of the running entries, especially the race recaps, were fantastically inspiring and inspiringly fantastic. It would be great to in some small part reciprocate this inspiration to others, plus to myself during those long slogging days during the "trial of miles" in preparation for the next marathon. And actually verbalizing (or in this case would it be "typer-izing"?) some of the training goals I have may actually help me actually keep on track.

I'll put up my Longest Day 10k race recap and my training goals for the week tomorrow. It'll be interesting to see how long I keep this up tho since:

a) I tend to zone out when I run races so I am not sure I will remember much. I literally don't remember large sections of the Vancouver Marathon. I would say it was my mind's way of blocking out the pain, but the parts I lost were between the 10 to 20 km mark, which should be the easiest part of the race. Same with the Sun Run a week after, the only thing I remember about it was that it hurt. Bad. However, I seemed to have kept my wits about me for the Longest Day 10k so I should have something to say ...

b) I've been trying to take my running "less seriously" after the Vancouver Marathon, to get the fun back into it. The last 3 or 4 weeks prepping for the last marathon was not fun. Between the ibuprofen and ice packs on my calves while I wasn't running, and the constantly staring at my Garmin while I was running made it a more labourious task than it should have been. After taking some time to let my legs heal up after the race, I made it a point to not time myself on my runs at least for the first little bit. And it seems to be working, since I've been running longer (not sure if it's faster tho) and having a hell of a good time while doing it. But documenting my training is definitely the opposite of "less seriously", but life is about goals and drawing a line in the sand. Time for the trial of miles to start.

Oh, you must be wondering then why am I not using this newly found motivation to blog the race recap and training goals now? Other than the fact that I am full of contradictions, it's 1am and I need to get some sleep so I can do the 15k run to work like I planned tomorrow morning! Although after reading that Amelia's doing track workouts again, I may do a speed session instead. I swear that girl is going to outrun me someday soon, but it's nice to delay the inevitable for a little while longer :)


Anonymous said...

ALAN! Found your blog (through my superior creeping skills)! Love it!

Amelia :) said...

Me too!! This is awesome, you are a rock star!!

alany said...

Oh oh, an audience. Gotta keep up the blog :S