For reason that will (probably) be expanded on in later entries, the last week have not been the greatest, and my running has suffered. Excluding the running done in ultimate, I've only ran Sunday (and Monday in a very lame sort of way) this last week before I left for my friend's cabin on Friday.
Getting out of the city helped. Having your friends drop you off umpteen km's away from the cabin so you have no choice but to run back also helped. But what really helped was just enjoying some of the simplier things in life with friends, such as:
Napping in a hammock...
The only down point was missing the Sunday long run with the folks from Broadway.
Not complete panacea for all the ills in life, but it certainly put things into perspective. And a great way to get my legs and my head in gear for the next week.
You cooked a pig in the ground!?! That's like your dream come true. More deets. ASAP
hope your weekend has you feeling better and things are looking up this week! My vegetarian side is opposed to that pig thing, but my geography nerd side thinks its pretty cool. Can the same technique be used for baked goods?
Come back to us!!! We miss you and feel lost without you running past.
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